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A job board for finding and posting small jobs

As a part of my software engineering project, I led a team of 4 to build a full-stack job board app in a CI/CD environment.

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  • Product Design
  • UX and UI Design
  • Front End Development
  • Back End Development
  • Systems Design
  • DevOps

Product design

When Covid-19 hit, the global economy shut down and people were going through financial hardships. It was not easy to find jobs and survival became difficult.

My solution was to create a job board app that allows people to find and post small jobs such as lawn mowing, dog walking, repairs, babysitting etc. for some quick cash. That's how QuickCash was born as a part of my software engineering project. From user research to UI/UX and systems design, I led a team of 4 developers in an agile product development environment with continuous integration and delivery.

Systems design

The application was originally built using Java with Firebase on the backend. The unit tests were handled using JUnit. The CI/CD environment was set up using GitHub actions scripts. The app uses the location services of the device to show the most relevant and nearest jobs to the users.

A promotional image from Enderal showing several characters in the game overlooking a distant city.

Project outcome

The most significant outcome of this project was being able to hone my software engineering and DevOps skills in order to develop a product as quickly and efficiently as possible regardless of the tech stack.

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